August 31, 2009

a photo-a-day keeps the doctor away

Well, I'm back again.
I haven't written in my blog for just over a year.
*cough* *cough* *tsk* *TSK*
But my ever so creative and loved faddah/dad/papa has come up with a clever antidote to neglecting my blogging duties.
In loo -?- In lou -?- uh... Because I have just set off on my journey through a two year divine program of becoming a ...bah-ba-BAH... Photographic Artist, we have decided to keep the doctor away.
A photo-a-day.
Based on past experiences with blogging plans... let's hope I don't come down with tuberculosis.
I haven't yet decided whether it will be unedited or beefed, we'll just have to see where this leads me!
I may also include some past photos that I haven't yet shown... being in a photography program makes one realize how unsatisfied one is with a point-and-shoot camera's abilities. Sigh.
Maybe this is will be a discreet documenting of my blossoming as a photographer. HAHA At least, I'll be able to have photos exposed right, right? We can only hope.
ANYWAY --- Enough rambling. So hello again to the world.
perplexed by cardboard

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